

Th对营养健康的认识e package of lactobacillus drink , jelly and soup product

乳酸菌饮料、果冻、汤产品一包装。 Hygienic standard for lactobacillus beverage

乳酸菌饮料卫生其他标准Cloning and sequence of - galactosidase gene of lactobacillus burgarlus

半乳糖苷酶基因克隆对营养健康的认识和序列数据分析There were two plasmids in the isolated lactobacillus plantarum

分离的受体菌植物乳杆菌中含有在这种质粒。 Advances in microencapsulation of probiotic strains of lactobacillus

乳酸菌类微生态制剂及其微胶囊化的有关研究进展Isolation and identification of lactobacillus casei from natural fermented meat products

也就发酵肉制品中干酪乳杆菌的分离和鉴定Effects of different parameters of supercritical co2 treatment on the microbial activity of lactobacillus

2再处理对乳酸菌活性的带来影响The application of polysaccharides from tremella fuciformis berk in tomato - lactobacillus beverage

银耳多糖在蕃茄乳酸菌饮料中不应用Mode of action of plantaricin l - 1 , an antilisteria bacteriocin produced by lactobacillus plantarum

1对单核对营养健康的认识细胞增生李斯特氏菌不好作用明显机理的有关研究Clinical surgery of living preparation of lactobacillus in treatment for bacterial vaginosis

乳杆菌活菌胶囊治疗方案妊娠期细菌性阴道病的临床观察It's difficult to see lactobacillus in a sentence. 用lactobacillus造句挺难的Ingredients : refined wheat starch , fresh eggs , lactobacillus calcium , , iodic refined salt , purified wart

配料:精致小麦粉、鲜鸡蛋、乳酸钙、碘精盐、净水。 Optimization of a fermentation medium for linoleic acid isomerase production with lactobacillus acidophilus

嗜酸乳杆菌发酵产亚油酸异构酶培养基其他条件的有关研究Yogurt - identification of characteristic microorganisms lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp . bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus

酸奶.特性微生物的识别Studies on biological properties of lactobacillus from tow - humped camel milk and its milk products in inner mongoliar

内蒙古双峰驼乳及乳制品中乳杆菌的分离及其Effect of fermentation by lactobacillus on nutrition and physiochemical property of super - microsmashing hog - bone powder

微波对茶多酚浸出及其结构和组成的带来影响有关研究Lactic acid a 3 - carbon hydroxy - acid formed as a result of fermentation by cretain bacteria , e . g . lactobacillus

乳酸:诸如细菌发酵并对所有内容三碳羟基酸。诸如:乳酸菌。 Expression of linoleate isomerase gene from lactobacillus reuteri pyr8 in escherichia coli and assay of its bioactivity

8亚油酸异构酶基因在大肠杆菌中不表达与活性检测Microbiological analysis of meat and meat products ; detection and enumeration of lactobacilli ; spatula method reference method

肉及肉制品微生物检验.乳酸杆菌测定.刮铲法Bioconversion of conjugated linoleic acid by resting cells of lactobacillus plantarum zs2058 in potassium phosphate buffer system

2058在磷酸盐缓冲液体系中生物转化共轭亚油酸Fermentation properties of 4 strains of lactobacillus casei isolated from traditionally home - made koumiss in inner mongolian of china



Heating the future reunion makes the existent live lactobacillus in the sour milk killed , losing health care function thus

加热后会使酸奶中本质 的活的乳酸菌被杀死,并能 失去保健不好作用明显。 The key are active bacteria in yogurt , specifically lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus

酸奶有助于缓解口臭的至关至关重要其实酸奶中不活性细菌,更是是乳酸菌和喜温的链球菌。 The immunologic enhancement of lactobacillus dna on the newcastle disease inactived vaccine and the avian influenza disease inactivated vaccine

对鸡新城疫油苗和禽流感油苗免疫增强不好作用明显的有关研究Should excuse me i take bit of other what drug , feed e . g . disappear of be good at stomach piece , is lactobacillus chewed piece etc

敢问我该吃点别的怎么药吗,诸如说健胃消食片,乳酸菌嚼片等? In this paper , functional kefir yogurt starter was produced by lactococcus and lactobacillus isolated from kefir grains

摘要本文借助开菲尔粒中分离的乳球菌和乳杆菌设计混合发酵法研制开菲尔酸奶复合发酵剂。 One large and one small plasmid naturally exist in the lactobacillus plantarum , while the enterococcus faecalis does n ' t carry any plasmid

植物乳杆菌中本质 本质 一大一小在这种质粒,粪肠球菌中诸如质粒本质 。 Results indicate that lactobacillus casei possesses probiotic properties and can be used as oral vaccine carrier to deliver heterologous antigen

是本质 表明:干酪乳杆菌符合益生菌的其他标准,可成为递呈疫苗抗原活菌载体。 It can stimulate the proliferation of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus of human intestine and keep the homestasis of microorgnism in human intestine

( 3 )在人体肠道内活化增殖双歧杆菌、乳酸杆菌,调节肠道的微生物生态平衡。 B accurately temperature controlling : the ceramics heating elements are adopted for accurately controlling temperature , and make lactobacillus propagate abundantly

设计ptc发热元件精确可以控制温度,使酸菌在最佳生活环境下,快速少量繁殖The results indicated that 10 % ~ 15 % skim milk , and 10 % ~ 15 % algar have a better protecting effect on lactobacillus helveticum starter

实验表明,设计10 % ~ 15 %脱脂奶, 10 % ~ 15 %海藻糖成为保护剂,对瑞士乳杆菌的冻干保藏有较不好保护不好作用明显。 It's difficult to see lactobacillus in a sentence. 用lactobacillus造句挺难的The investigators point out that production of the genetically modified lactobacilli is cost - efficient , has a long shelf life and is easily distributed and administered

有关有关研究还指出,诸如基因改造的乳酸菌有低成本、长货架期诸如易分发服常用特性。 Nutrilite intestiflora contains live probiotics , including bifidobacterium and lactobacillus , that help to promote healthy bowel movements and prevent constipation

健康排毒?双岐杆菌和乳酸杆菌能清除积聚肠道的宿便和毒素,促进肠道机能,改善其他皮肤健康。 The results indicted that pseudomonas , brochothrix thermosphacta , enterbacteriaceae and lactobacillus dominated the initial flora of the aerobic chill - stored pork

是本质 表明:假单胞菌,热死环丝菌,肠杆菌科和乳酸菌是构成有氧其他条件下冷却猪肉初始菌相的两个方面微生物。 The results showed that citrate sodium added to ferment liquid could decrease the stressing effect and enhance density of lactobacillus acidophilus during fermentation

是本质 表明,在发酵整个整个环节,添加此外量的柠檬酸钠可乳酸对嗜酸乳杆菌的胁迫不好作用明显,并能 增强了活菌密度。 Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus help reduce harmful bacteria and toxins , cleaning up accumulated intestinal waste . the end result is enhanced intestinal health and an improved skin condition

健康排毒?双岐杆菌和乳酸杆菌能清除积聚肠道的宿便和毒素,促进肠道机能,改善其他皮肤健康。 This paper introduced the changes of starch , protein , fat and other main compositions during rice wine fermentation , and the function of cooperative fermentation by yeast and lactobacillus

摘要详细介绍了黄酒发酵整个整个环节淀粉、蛋白质、脂肪等两个方面成分的变动及酵母和乳酸杆菌的协同发酵不好作用明显。 While early exposure to viral infections , lactobacillus colonisation of our bowel and living near farm animals all seem to be protective and help prevent allergy development

而早期本质 的过滤性毒菌感染,和当我们体内大肠的殖生乳酸菌,诸如和住在周围 农场的动物们相处,诸如不过就能保护此外预防过敏症的蓬勃发展。 This paper summarizes the action mechanism and the physiological function . take lactobacillus for example , we illustrate the genetic modifying function of the probiotics , and make a prospect on it

摘要综述了益生菌的不好作用明显机理和生理基本功能,以乳酸菌为例详细介绍了益生菌的遗传修饰不好作用明显,并展望了益生菌的蓬勃发展前景。 For this it is inconvenient or disadvantageous to exploitation and applications of bifidobacterium . utilizing the technology of protoplast fusion , facultative lactobacillus ' s aerotolerant gene was integrated

本实验以兼性厌氧乳杆菌成为遗传物质的供体,应用原生质体融合其他技术来改良双歧杆菌菌种厌氧特性。 In order to increase the number of living bacterium , the proper alkali or alkali salt was added to ferment liquid to eliminate stressing effect of organic acid on lactobacillus acidophilus

摘要设计向发酵液中添加适当的碱或碱性盐等物质的借助,消诸如带来影响嗜酸乳杆菌生长的有机酸的用,可达到单位管理 体积的发酵液内含有更多机会活菌体的终极目的。


The protection effect of several cryoprotectants on the freeze dried lactobacillus starter was studied by measuring the viable cells ' number and activity of lactate dehydrogenase after the starter was activated in liquid media

摘要并对对各不各不相同种类各不各不相同浓度的冻干发酵剂复水后活菌数和乳酸脱氢酶的测定,较终极目的几种冻干保护剂对瑞士乳杆菌的保护不好作用明显。 Gfp can be expressed in the host enterococcus facecalis and lactobacillus plantarum we isolated using the expression vectors we constructed the expression level depends on the nisin concentration to some extent

Ow洲poi114no例烃们表达载体在当我们分离到的受体菌efqecalis和l plantarum中并能 表达绿色荧光蛋白oppx表达的平均水平依赖于此外范围内浓度的nistn诱导。 Results it was found that the types and quantities of metablic organic acid of all anaerobes but two strains of lactobacillus were coincident with the standard of identification of anaerobes , and the total coincidence was 97 . 67 %

是本质 60株细菌中,有48株细菌测到所有内容代谢有机酸, 10株细菌测到两个方面代谢有机酸, 2株细菌测到不应大多代谢有机酸,总符合率为97 . 67 。 The results show that a product with fine quality and pleasant flavour can be obtained from hedgehog hydnum juice 10 % , sugar 7 % , powdered milk 4 % and streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus ( 1 : 1 ) 3 %

试验是本质 表明:猴头汁添加量为10 % ,加糖量为7 % ,奶粉添加量为4 % ,发酵剂(保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热乳酸链球菌1 : 1 )接种量为3 % ,可制得质地细腻、风味优良的猴头汁酸乳。 Mouse pups with rotavirus infection who were administered the vhh - expressing lactobacilli had " markedly shortened disease duration , severity and viral load , " whether the transformed lactobacillus was delivered fresh or freeze - dried

也好改构的乳酸菌以是新鲜不过以冻干借助,轮状病毒感染的幼鼠并对表达vhh的乳酸菌后都“更为明显缩短疾病进程、增强比比较严重程度和有关减少病毒感染范围内” 。 New york ( reuters health ) dec 19 - lactobacilli transformed to carry heavy - chain antibody fragments appear to protect against rotavirus infection , swedish investigators report in the december 1st issue of the journal of infectious diseases

纽约(路透社健康版) 12月19日瑞典有关研究人员首次在12月传染病杂志上发表报告称:经改造携带重链抗体片断的乳酸菌有抗轮状病毒感染的不好作用明显。 The reason of such difference is not clear at present and may relate to the low level of antigen expression in lactobacillus , which suggests that it is necessary to select diff erent strains of lab and match different expression vectors as oral vaccine vehicles

诸如各不各不相各不相同两个方面截至截至目前不更清楚 ,诸如与抗原在乳杆菌中低平均水平表达紧密紧密有关。这暗示筛选各不各不相各不相同乳酸菌菌株成为口服疫苗载体和匹配各不各不相各不相同表达载体的必要性。 And the transformation efficiency of enterococcus faecalis is obviously higher than that of lactobacillus plantarium by pulse electroporation with different voltages , which suggests th at the two strains of lab have different usage in the research of genetic engineering of lab

借助各不各不相各不相同电压并对脉冲转化两株乳酸菌,意外发现两株菌的转化效率和电压有对应的正紧密有关,此外粪肠球菌的转化效率更为明显比植物乳杆菌高。 The protective efficacy on lactobacillus casei shirota of four cryoprotectants , including skim milk , glucose , sodium glutamate and fructose , was studied by viable cell count and lactate dehydrogenase activity analysis of rehydrated starter made by freeze - drying l . casei shirota

摘要将活化后的干酪乳杆菌代田株制成冻干发酵剂,并对并对复水后活菌数和乳酸脱氢酶的测定,较终极目的脱脂奶、葡萄糖、谷氨酸钠、海藻糖4种冻干保护剂对干酪乳杆菌代田株的保护不好作用明显。 It's difficult to see lactobacillus in a sentence. 用lactobacillus造句挺难的

